Thursday, December 11, 2014

Does God exists?

For much time this thought has captivated my mind so I wanted to share my views on it. I believe in the existence of a higher power above us but if GOD exists or not is a very subjective question. A theist would say ''Yes!'' while an atheist would not. 

Dividing these two is an Agnostic, who is someone who believes in GOD but does not believe in worshiping it. For me Agnosticism is the dividing line. Either you are on the theist side or the atheist side of being an Agnostic. As for myself, I'm on the atheist side. I believe in only one figure but I don't worship her.

People say absence of faith is the reason for not acknowledging GOD, I say it's due to reason and logic only that people do not. Many go as far as saying that atheist are living in denial but if you see it, it's a matter of personal choice. Either you choose to believe or you choose not to.

In the end I can only say that if it's a matter of faith and you wanna have faith in
someone or some figure, have it in yourself and everything will turn out just fine. 

As for the existence of GOD, it's still what you believe in.

Connotations about the term 'love'.

This one is about Love as it means not just romantic love which is, by the way, the first image that pops into anyone’s mind while imaging the term 'love'. So the technical definition of love states that, "Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment."

But does anyone thinks about it in that way? I mean take a situation a guy, a normal guy says i love u to another male friend and he's a gay fag, he's says that to a female friend and he's in a relationship. Why? Does love always mean romance? You love your parents, don't you? Then why only this romance related image comes up in our mind? 

Over time our mentality has changed to this. If someone exclaims love, we think romantic lovers. Why not anything else like friendship? People have a lot of connotations about this term. If we are able to get out of this, we'd freely be able to express ourselves. But this does not mean shouting 'i love you' on the streets. 

When you talk with your friends and express your love towards them,  then use this term. Just don't limit it to your girlfriend/boyfriend but expand it beyond that.